GP Daily Internet Offer

There are many mobile network providers in Bangladesh, but Grameenphone mobile network provider is the best. Grameenphone provides its network services in the city and rural areas of Bangladesh. Grameenphone is most popular for its internet packages. The following list is about GP daily internet offer. Dial your choice code, and get the GP daily internet package.

GP Daily Internet Package Code List

We mentioned here the detail of package in a table form. Look at the following table. Now, you can select your offer easily.

A Girl is dialing the code of GP Daily Internet Offer.
63 Taka3 GB (every day 1 GB)3 days*121*3307#
83 Taka6 GB (every day 2 GB)3 days*121*3331#
134 Taka7 GB (every day 1 GB)7 days*121*3308#
164 Taka14 GB (every day  2 GB07 days*121*3332#
399 Taka30 GB (every day 1 GB)30 days*121*3090#
497 Taka45 GB (every day 1.5 GB)30 days*121*3319#
598 Taka60 GB (every day 2 GB)30 days*121*3099#
749 Taka90 GB (every day 3 GB)30 days*121*3320#

GP Daily Internet Offer Code Details

Grameenphone brought many GP daily internet offers for its customers. GP also launched a daily internet pack. There are various daily internet packs for Grameenphone users. See the list below and select the internet package.

GP 3 GB Internet Offer

Dial the USSD code *121*3307#. Get 3 GB (every day 1 GB) for 3 days. This offer cost is 63 Taka.

GP 6 GB Internet Offer

Purchase 6 GB ( every day 2 GB) internet pack for 83 Taka. Validity is 3 days. The activation code is *121*3331#.

GP 7 GB Internet Offer

In 134 Taka you can get a 7 GB ( every day 1 GB) internet offer. USSD code is *121*3308#. This offer is valid for 7 days.

GP 14 GB Internet Offer

You can buy 14 GB ( every day 2 GB) for 164 Taka. Dial the activation code *121*3332#. The pack will expire after 7 days.

GP 30 GB Internet Offer

Get a 30 GB (every day 1 GB) internet package for 30 days. This offer cost 399 Taka. Dial the USSD code  *121*3090#.

GP 45 GB Internet Offer

You can purchase 45 GB (every day 1.5 GB) for 30 days. Your balance will be charged 497 Taka. The activation code is *121*3319#.

GP 60 GB Internet Offer

In 598 Taka you can buy a 60 GB (every day 2 GB) internet package. The package validity is 30 days. The code is *121*3099#.

GP 90 GB Internet Offer

Buy 90 GB (every day 3 GB) for 30 days. The activation code is *121*3320#. The pack cost is 749 Taka.

Terms and Conditions of Daily Internet

  • All Grameenphone data packages have auto-renewal features.
  • Dial the USSD code  *121*1*4# to check your data volume.
  • Dial the USSD code *121*3041# to cancel your activation.
  • The above internet packs are for all GP prepaid users.
  • Skitto Sim customers are not eligible.
  • You need a 4G-enabled phone & be within a 4G network to enjoy the best internet connection.


Yes, Grameenphone offers daily internet packages for its users.

Yes, GP daily internet pack is for all GP customers.

Dial the USSD code *121*1*4# to check your internet pack.

Dial the USSD *121*3041# to cancel your internet offer.

NO, Skitto sim users can’t purchase GP daily internet package.

Final Word

We have researched more about the GP internet package. You can also get 1GB Data Pack and Daily Data Pack. Finally, we have written a detailed and unique article for you. Hope, you have read the above whole article and have liked it. Please comment below for your queries.

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