GP Skitto Internet Offer

If you want to purchase a cheap internet and minute offer from GP, you should buy a Skitto Sim. Grameenphone always brings new offers for its customers. Thus Grameenphone launched this sim for its users to enjoy low-cost internet, minute and SMS offers.

Although Grameenphone has brought Skitto Sim for internet purposes, but also this sim provides you minute Offers. GP Skitto Internet Offer is an excellent pack for you. We prepared tables for your ease about Skitto Internet, Minute, and SMS Packs. So read the full article.

Grameenphone Skitto Internet Offer

GP Skitto Internet Offer Pack

Let’s see, Which packages have brought Grameenphone for its customers of Skitto Sim. Now you can buy low-price internet offer from Skitto Sim. We prepared a list of Skitto Sim Packs for you. Look at the given table and select your Skitto Sim Offer.

First of all, buy a Skitto Sim. Install the Skitto App. Recharge your account balance according to your required offer. Open the Skitto App and buy your package. Enjoy the cheapest internet. Now, see here the GP Skitto Internet Offer Code details.

9 Tk150 MB3 days
32 Tk1 GB3 days
42 Tk1 GB+25 Min3 days
43 Tk1.5 GB3 days
57 Tk2 GB3 days
68 Tk4.4 GB3 days
78 Tk6 GB3 days
89 Tk8 GB3 days
98 Tk10 GB3 days
149 Tk3.5 GB+150 Min7 days
118 Tk5 GB+150 Min7 days
90 Tk5.7 GB7 days
107 Tk8 GB7 days
148 Tk20 GB7 days
177 Tk25 GB7 days
96 Tk1 GB15 days
183 Tk2.5 GB+150 Min15 days
229 Tk3 GB+200 Min15 days
469 Tk12 GB+350 Min15 days
207 Tk1 GB+320 Min30 days
307 Tk1 GB+500 Min30 days
178 Tk3.5 GB+100 Min30 days
197 Tk6 GB30 days
249 Tk7GB+200 Min30 days
249 Tk10 GB30 days
397 Tk20 GB+250 Min30 days
309 Tk22 GB30 days
489 Tk40 GB+350 Min30 days
899 Tk80 GB+1000 Min30 days
398 Tk50 GB30 days

Skitto SMS Pack

Skitto Sim SMS is also available for you. Grameenphone brought this offer for its Skitto Sim customers. Read the Skitto SMS details in the following article.

1.5 Tk10 SMSDaily
10 Tk100 SMSWeekly

Skitto Minute Offer

Many people are always searching, ho to buy minutes in Skitto sim? Some people also search, can I buy minutes in Skitto? They want to get a GP Skitto Minute Pack. People always search about Skitto Minute Offer Code, but they can’t find any information about it.Some people tell you, they will give you information about Skitto Talktime offer, but they give you wrong information.

Today we are going to tell you the reality. Actually there is no available Skitto Minute Pack Code. You can call Skitto to Skitto or any local no at 67 poisha/second. This is included by SC, SD, and VAT. You can call any time at any recharge base. You can’t find Skitto Minute Offer Check Code anywhere.

Skitto New Sim Offer

When you insert your Skitto Sim in your mobile phone at the 1st time, you can get internet data pack. You will get 3GB free of cost. Expiry is 7 days. This pack is also called Skitto Sim Free Offer. You can also get 100 SMS free of cost for 30 days.

GP Skitto Internet Offer Details

Grameenphone provides their customers Skitto daily, weekly 15 days, and monthly offers. We wrote a detailed article here about different packs of Skitto. Go through the whole article and choose a Skitto Pack for you.

GP Skitto Daily Offers

Read here the full detail of the GP Skitto 3 Days Offer.

  • 150MB 9Tk
  • 1GB 32Tk
  • 1GB+25 Minute 42Tk
  • 1.5GB 43Tk
  • 2GB 57Tk
  • 4.4GB 68 Tk
  • 6GB 78tK
  • 8GB 89Tk
  • 10GB 98Tk

GP Skitto Weekly Offers

Here are the details of the GP Skitto 7 Days Offer.

  • 3.5GB+150 Minute 149Tk
  • 5GB+100 Minutes 118 Tk
  • 5.7GB 90Tk
  • 8GB 107Tk
  • 20GB 148 Tk
  • 25GB 177Tk

GP Skitto 15 Days Offers

Now read here the details of GP Skitto 15 Days Offer.

  • 1GB 96Tk
  • 2.5GB+150Minute 183Tk
  • 3GB+200 Minute 229Tk
  • 12GB+350 Minute 469 Tk

GP Skitto Monthly Offers

Here are the details of the GP Skitto 30 Days Offer.

  • 1GB+320 Minute 207Tk
  • 1GB+500 Minute 207Tk
  • 3.5GB+100 Minute 178 Tk
  • 6GB 197Tk
  • 7GB+200 Minute 249 Tk
  • 10GB 249 Tk
  • 20GB+250Minute 397Tk
  • 22GB 309 Tk
  • 40GB+350 Minute 489 Tk
  • 80GB+1000 Minute 899 Tk
  • 50GB 398 Tk

What is GP Skitto Sim?

Grameenphone is most popular in Bangladesh. People of Bangladesh always search for cheap price Internet. Grameenphone launched Skitto Sim for this purpose. Skitto Sim has a low-cost internet offer. This is a digital product. 

Basically, Skitto sim was launched for students, but everyone can buy this sim. It was launched for the net purpose, but it also has minutes and sms offers. You should buy this sim because it provides so many internet offers.

How to Buy GP Skitto Sim?

You can purchase GP Skitto Sim from the Grameenphone customer care center. Pay 200 Taka to the seller and demand Skitto SIM. You will get a Skitto Sim from the seller. Now, Install the Skitto App. When the app will have been installed, you will get 50 MB of internet data free.

Open the app and do all the important settings. Now, insert your Skitto Sim on your mobile. By setting your profile in the GP App, you will get 3 GB of internet data for free. You can also buy Skitto Sim online.

GP Skitto Bondho Sim Offers

Grameenphone also provides internet data to activate a GP Skitto closed sim. If you have not used your Skitto Sim for 3 months, you will get a GP Skitto Bondho Sim Offer. Insert your unused Skitto Sim in your mobile, and get internet data for free. 

Now, install the app from the app store, and search for Skitto Bhondo Sim Offer. Recharge your account balance, which is required for the data pack. Now follow the instructions, and get internet data easily.

Terms & Conditions of GP Skitto Internet Offer

We provided here the full detail of the terms and conditions. Read the following article. It is a necessary part of GP Skitto Internet Offer.

With the help of the following article, you will know about the important terms and conditions of GP Skitto Sim.

  • GP Skitto Sim Internet data including 10% SD, 5% VAT, and 1% SC.
  • GP Skitto Sim is essential to buy Skitto internet data.
  • Install the app from the play store.
  • Set your profile in the app, and you will get free data.
  • You can’t buy GP’s other internet offers except Skitto offers.
  • The price is 200 Taka.
  • Everyone can buy the Skitto Sim.
  • Reload your balance from bkash, dial the code: *247#

FAQs About GP Skitto Internet Offer

Price  is 220 Taka.

You can purchase this sim from the GP customer care center or online.

 Dial the code *121*1# to check your Skitto Internet balance and GP Skitto Balance.

Skitto helpline number is 01701000121.

You can recharge your Skitto Sim balance through bkash, flexiload shop, rocket, Grameenphone customer care center, or online from Skitto website.

Conclusion of GP Skitto Internet Offer

We have written the above article after well research. We have gathered the data very carefully from different sources. The above article is very informative for you. You can ask any question about GP Skitto Sim.

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